quick feedback

Out of context: Reply #17

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    Couple of things:
    • Logo:
    Not doing a thing for me. When someone says 'luxury' or 'high-end' to me, sci-fi-ish imagemarks aren't the first thing that come to my mind. Neither is tightly-tracked, italicised Helvetica Thin.

    Solution: Ditch the imagemark, in favour of something more discrete and refined, if you absolutely need to have one. Change the wordmark's typography to something not italics, more loosely tracked and to a considered and elegant serif. For example: Leitura News Display or Emona.

    • The page itself:
    There's absolutely no reason for scrolling on a page that basically an 'under construction' thing. Really. No reason for this at all. People can't linger on the site, because there's nothing to linger for, and stacking what little of the tombstone data there is is completely pointless.

    Consolidate all of this information into a simple two-column thing, wrapped in a container div that is centred on the page. No scrolling, just the essentials in one easy-to-digest view.

    • Bonus crit, because you've stuck around this long to read the first two:
    Lose that background at the top. Combined with the logo lock-up, it's a bit douche-baggy (Bertt Barsh-stylee). If you're looking for luxury and high-end, get away from the clichéd, over-dominant black. True refinement isn't about this sort of in-your-faceness. It's about being understated, simple and well-considered.

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