
Out of context: Reply #53

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  • monospaced0

    I haven't actually played the game yet, but I've been following the news pretty closely since the launch, and one thing's been bugging me constantly and I'm not sure anyone's addressed it. Some help understanding this, please:

    If the game is really "connected" to other cities and relies on them for an evolution (population, power, etc), that's fine. I think the concept is cool, but how the fuck does it actually work when say, one guy is running his city at Cheetah Speed for days while the guy in the neighboring city is running at slow speed, or even paused?

    How can the cities be truly reliant on each other if they're moving at different paces and such? One guy might have a population boom before the other guy finishes zoning. If the always-online thing is necessary for an integrated experience, how integrated is it REALLY when people are working so separately and, for lack of a simpler term or concept, time traveling?

    • I think you've put more thought into it than they did. FFS they have the people simmed by the same system as roads and sewers.i_monk
    • sewers.i_monk
    • it makes no sense, how can guys from one city work in another that's moving 50x faster?monospaced

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