Walking out

Out of context: Reply #29

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  • MrMackem0

    I walked out of a shitty inhouse job some 7 years ago.

    It was shit - they knew it was shit. The money was shit. The work was shit. The building was shit. The people were shit. Been there for 14 shitty months. Hated every shitty second of it. Had to wear a shitty shirt and tie everyday. It was shit.

    Had a shitty 'meeting' with the studio manager and some other shit who had been monitoring my lunchtime web surfing remotely - mainly me looking for new jobs elsewhere - and gave me a half arsed shitty warning.

    So i said 'fuck this shit - i'm off'. Wrote a shitty resignation letter - accepted straight away and got my shit together and left.

    7 years later couple of proper jobs and promotions later.

    Although i didn't have bills and rent to pay for at the time.

    • And in case you didn't notice THAT job was SHIT.MrMackem

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