What age were you...

Out of context: Reply #36

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  • BaskerviIle0

    I was always into drawing, painting, art etc.
    When I was 10 I designed the programme/leaflet for our school play.
    My mum used to make posters, tickets etc for her local choir, so we always had lettraset rubdown sheets lying around. She taught me how to letterspace as a kid, weirdly.

    In art classes as a teenager I got more into graphic design, especially since I was into a lot of music so album covers were a bit inspiration. Stuff like Spiritualized's Ladies & gentlemen... etc.

    I also studied maths and physics at school and was all set to do Architecture until I realised that I didn't really like the idea of a 7 year degree. So I did graphic design, which I think I was more into at about 17, even though I didn't really know exactly what it was.

    I still draw, paint etc, but I see graphic design as the respectable, commercial arm of the arts. Something you can tell you parents you do, which they may view as almost a proper job

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