What age were you...

Out of context: Reply #35

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  • orrinward20

    When I was about 5 or 6 I wanted to be a Lego designer.

    When I started secondary school I started wanting to be more maths/sciencey because that's the talent I was praised for at school.

    At about 15 I realised it wasn't what I wanted and I started to spend a lot of my time mucking about in Photoshop and reading about design. By A-levels I ended up dropping one of them (my school insisted on 5) so I could have more time for early freelance work. Album covers and websites for local bands. Logos for local businesses etc.

    My school wasn't happy because "If you change you mind you won't have the right qualifications to change field". Those album covers and websites did pay for most of my degree in advance...

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