Autism: 1/88

Out of context: Reply #21

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  • Gucci0

    Personal anecdote:
    I have a non-verbal niece on the severe end of the spectrum. My heart breaks for her daily. I get anxiety thinking about her future and the future of so many children just like her. I love her to pieces. She's really bright and surprises me all the time.

    She's helped bring my family closer together in some respects, and has made us better people. She's an amazing little person. I'll never forget the day when she learned how to clap. I think that's the day we realized the road ahead was going to be really hard, but also...really...really rewarding. I can't recall any other time in my life I've cried tears of pure joy tinged with pain at the same time.

    There's a lot of more care, coverage and awareness of the condition for those who truly need it now more than ever, which is a great thing. However, there's a lot of work to do in helping remove the stigma associated with mental illness and in getting people who really need help the resources to achieve their full potential.

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