building a platform help

Out of context: Reply #45

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  • ETM0

    Even if the IA is rock solid, and the dev is super competent, I would be concerned of what the end result is in only 125 hours. I see 3 outcomes if the dev is very skilled:

    -They work for more than 125 hours and swallow a good amount of time to complete the project. But they may burn out on it.

    -Similar to above, but charge you for every hour and budget is blown.

    -Buggy and not fully functional. Not ready for client review. Budget spent.

    Recommend considering the 'agile' development method for this. Have the dev get it working in little pieces at a time, rather than broad strokes. Empower him to make decisions. At least if you have to pull the plug, you come away with some working components rather than a 100% useless mess.

    • How long do you think it would take?Raybandana
    • 2 months?Raybandana
    • Not knowing full scope, or IA, that's hard to say. But for testing and polish, I wouldn't be surprised to see another 50hrs easy.ETM
    • 50hrs easy. Plus I don't know if this is supposed to be public ready at the end or just an alpha/beta.ETM
    • And once in the wild, what budget you have to respond to and correct issues. The public is a bitch for finding flaws.ETM
    • it would be publicRaybandana

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