George Lucas...

Out of context: Reply #28

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  • monospaced0

    I don't know who ever told the guy he was a good director or screenplay writer in the first place. Yes, the '70s Star Wars was a hit, but mostly for the amazing special effects teams he had working for him. The best part of his vision was the vision, everything else was kind of a joke.

    I watched parts of Episodes IV-VI (originals) this week and couldn't believe how shitty they were. Gun fights and sword fights made no sense (nobody has any skill or aim), talking script is juvenile at best, and the plot is barely held together by a couple of threads. While I loved the movies as a kid, they don't hold up very well and really expose Lucas for what he really is.

    • Obi-wan's wig.eoin
    • They're still Shakespeare compared to the recent ones.ETM
    • monospaced : Lucas was a promising director after THX 1138 and American Graffiti, you might want to check these.spl33nidoru
    • I've seen those.monospaced
    • disagree - there's incredible things going on in the OG Star Wars trilogy, and a reason why they are "classics".inteliboy

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