
Out of context: Reply #26

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  • mg330


    my mom writes checks and uses the ledger. she and my stepdad sit down monthly to balance the checkbook. keeps all receipts, writes down in the ledger for anything that is a debit purchase. I realize this all makes sense to them, but...

    It makes absolutely no sense to me. How in the world do people trust and manage a checkbook ledger to keep their bank account in order when every major bank now has online banking, and apps for your phone with perfectly up-to-date, almost real-time information?

    • exactly, with the technologies available to us now, checkbooks are obsoletemonospaced
    • then if ledger is off by even a penny, they get all worried. total madness. TRUST THE DIGITAL AGE.mg33
    • old people are funny. i witness this ol' chinese lady write a check at safeway the other day. what a waste of time

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