
Out of context: Reply #60

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  • pr20

    I always find it strange when people go to mega corporate events like this film and then go and without shame publicly confess it. That's like going o McD and ordering one of those $1 items - do it if you have to but don't walk around all proud of it.

    • yeah, expressing an opinion about a film in a forum is exactly like going to mcds and being proud about your $1 happy mealprophetone
    • to clarify, that was sarcasm, not prideprophetone
    • haha, comparing a corporate event like this one (even thinly called a film) to an actual film...haha!pr2
    • (and not it's not sarcasm)pr2
    • exactlyprophetone
    • film is film. The rest is taste and yours is obviously better.BrokenHD
    • pretty sure my taste is just fine lol. bought moonrise kingdom tonight, watched the hunter last night, yadda yaddaprophetone
    • the thing is letting yourself enjoy something skyfallish once in a while is a good thing, balance and shitprophetone
    • thanks for the psychologocal profile though guys hahaprophetone

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