Israel bombing shit..

Out of context: Reply #86

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  • pablo280

    Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan decries Israel's airstrikes on Gaza as a pre-election stunt and says he will discuss the crisis with Egyptian President Muhammad Mursi in Cairo this weekend.

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, on Twitter, says the assault on Gaza will continue: "We are going to continue hitting Hamas hard and we will continue to strike hard at the missiles targeted at Central and Southern Israel."

    Iraq's representative to the Arab League says Arab states should use oil as a weapon to pressure the United States and Israel over Gaza: "Iraq will invite (Arab) ministers to use the weapon of oil, with the aim of asserting real pressure on the United States and whoever stands with Israel," Qais al-Azzawy says in Cairo.…

    • The problem with Turks and Arabs is that they cry but don't do anything.Beeswax

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