Ron Paul 2012

Out of context: Reply #67

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  • waterhouse0

    Gold standard is your only beef? Then you and I have little common ground on social rights.

    He is principled. And that's neat. But - as you've candidly indicated - his political agenda covers darker ground than you may realize.

    • define social rights. not sure your interpretation
    • and his agenda on darker ground im not sure about either. My concerns is wether an objective standard is feasible at this point for monetary policy. I need to read his books see if he goes into detail backing it
    • feasible. I need to read his books to understand his reasoning and why he thinks it would work.
    • Define? Sure.
      He's proudly opposed to the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
    • From what I see, his man-crush on the Constitution is "smoke and mirrors."waterhouse
    • Is that because it restricted rights of some and gave more to others?
    • What was her directly opposed to and the reasoning? A lot of the civil rights act was garbage
    • albeit it might have helped change the social conditioning of the time, but still not right
    • He's attempted to retract much of his past hate speech.waterhouse
    • I dont know much about the hate speech. But the ability to discriminate in trade is a right. If the hate comes from the idea of discrimination its weak
    • of discrimination and its negative conditioning than it is weak.
    • Discrimination at the time was terrible because of social conditioning. Civil rights act i tempoted to agree was a necessary evil to awaken people
    • necessary evil, but because it did some good doesnt change the fact it wasnt right
    • As a generic whole some parts im sure were legit. Thats the problem with packaged deals

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