Boardwalk Empire

Out of context: Reply #159

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  • CygnusZero40

    He didnt want to kill Jimmy, but it was a business move so it had to be done. Jimmy was trying to take over and Nucky wasnt about to just let it happen so he did the only thing he could do.

    It seems like right now he has a pretty big issue with making sure the people around him know he's in charge. He keeps trying to prove to everyone he's the boss and is willing to kill anyone that opposes him so he's starting to become ruthless. This all goes back to that one line Jimmy said to him about not being half a gangster so I guess that stuck with him and is actually changing who he is.

    And anyone find it odd that there is no mention of his REAL job, the county treasurer? They dont even talk about that on the show anymore. In fact if you just started watching this season I dont think you would even know that was his actual job.

    • Yeah, that is something different about this season. Really the only thing they've shown >smrz
    • that isn't criminal was the New Year's Eve party. And then the part where he was supposed to meet the bishop, but he didn't showsmrz
    • It's been all about the racket so far. Much more than the previous seasons for sure.smrz

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