Site Crit

Out of context: Reply #3

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  • detritus0

    ah, good you bought the alternate url :)

    on both my 1050 and 1024 height monitors your footer is JUST peeking over the bottom, whilst there's a fairly large drop from the nav to the main body content. Seems like taht could be tweaked, at least per resolution.

    The background line things interfere a little too much with the foreground text.

    What if anything do the buttons under "our client's" do? and, is that supposed to be a possessive? I mean , it does make sense, but of the buttons that leads to don't do anything. then it doesn't make sense.

    Oh. I see what those buttons do now. erm. that's a bit pointless, especially as you're making me work for it.

    erm.. your 'proof' page is one big background image? Isn't that an example of exactly how not to make a SEO page??

    this whole prefacing lines with ,, is... well, I won't swear, but i don't like it and think it's a bit crap.

    the nav-layout is weird. your main content is in a comparatively subtle dropdown, whiulst the rest of the nav leads to fluff (blog, background-image)? doesn't seem all that intuitive, is all.

    Actual textual content is dense and dry - you flip between having very little on a page and way too much.


    Don't worry, these are merely the opinions of a defeated, embittered little man.

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