UFO over berlin

Out of context: Reply #5

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  • mikotondria30

    Cool. My first rebut would be that, considering how they were following each other, speed and heading the same, that they were military aircraft with afterburners glowing. Atmospheric winds, directions of travel etc could easily mean you wouldn't hear a thing if they were 10 miles away, and 4/5 miles up. Their trajectories certainly didn't appear to deviate in a way that a terrestrial object could maneuver. Exciting thing to see though.

    • we live about 6km from Tegal airport, and we definitely hear pretty much every plane.. these were silent..autoflavour
    • and they didnt seem that high..autoflavour
    • they looked to be about the size of a round bit on a cloths pin..autoflavour
    • or maybe just all being blown by the same wind/currentBaskerviIle
    • How do you know how a terrestrial object should maneuver? LOL. Based on what you've seen in movies?CanHasQBN

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