UFO over berlin

Out of context: Reply #4

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  • detritus0

    imho, anything smart enough to cross the gulfs of space would be smart enough to either a) hide themselves b) scare the shit out of an entire planet.

    I saw a UFO when I was about 6 or so, over the local town, and it was in the papers the next day, so I'm by no means a non-believer by default...

    ...I just suspect there are mundane explantions for a lot o these things.

    Especially as I've had in mind at least two different set ups to give the appearance of UFOs... I need to get working on one at least :)

    Hope you 'enjoyed' your experience — it's always good to have something, no matter what, totally confuddle you.

    • Your a/b scenario rationale makes no sense. Certainly not enough to debunk aliens. How on earth would we know their motives...set
    • ...know their motives, or if they want to be seen or not. Placing human ideas on to something like this seems naiveset
    • Although granted its difficult to have anything but human ideas. It just bugs me when people say things like this...set
    • Oh shut up set.detritus
    • We literally have no reference point at all for anything they may or may not, would or would not do or be.set
    • You sounded like a cock, admit it.set
    • Can we go back to ignoring each other please?detritus
    • I can't help but point out a dim comment, especially on such a subject. :-)set
    • I didn't want to out that smiley face there as it now looks smarmy, but I also didn't want to come across completely unfriendly.set
    • ...completely unfriendly. Not that you care.set
    • not that I care if you careset
    • Not that I care if you think I careset
    • Jim Careyset
    • lol @ Jim Careyoey

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