
Out of context: Reply #33

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  • maikel0

    hey rybo,

    for 13 quid I would buy you a tee, but I have no bloody idea how they look like. I understand the importance of the 'indie' look to your site and all, but what about leaving the beloved holga aside for one minute and doing a proper shot with decent camera and illumination to let us know what the hell you are selling?

    And no, although your jacket might be nice it is obstructing the product. A rather bad idea.

    So, a few tips

    - Your T shirt reads more like "Luis" that "Noir"
    - What about having 2 or 3 designs before launching the site?
    - You said that you are going to blog photos of people wearing the T-shirt. You have only one design. You are going to do exactly what you said you are against: posting many people wearing the same shirt.

    Aesthetically it looks a little 2000 (as in old, not vintage) but it is ok I think. It also looks too pretentious. Maybe some humour can help, so that people can see that you are not taking yourself so seriously.

    • It's pretty clear in the shop bud, where it needs to be, no?rybo
    • Hey - I am trying to be constructive here! Honestly I think you need to show more the product...

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