best CMS 2012

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  • caseyz0

    small to medium sites with blog-minded material, wordpress is your best bet. Larger more complex sites I usually go to Joomla. I'm sure there are thousands of people that will say Wordpress is perfectly capable of just about anything, and it is. I just prefer the structure of Joomla for more complex sites. Wordpress and Joomla both have great community support and loads of extensions.

    If you haven't really worked alot with CMS's its really up to you which you prefer to build with. When you get good you'll surely experiment with more CMS's and then cater the site to the needs of the client more closely.

    Wherever you go you'll find goods and bads for any CMS. The best way to decide is to just setup a couple builds on your local machine, shouldn't take long to get the lay of the land.

    If you wanna go safe, just go with wordpress, just try not to be tempted by all the templates out there, they tend to all look a bit "wordpressy". If you want a quick start, begin with a good Framework like Genesis or Gantry.

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