Apple Wins $1 Billion Patent Case

Out of context: Reply #26

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  • CanHasQBN0

    ^ You only feel this way because pinch zoom has been around for a while now, and through the years it's been ingrained into your fingers' navigational behavior, and you've become used to it as if it's second nature. But when it first came out, there was nothing like pinch zoom and it was a new way to navigate a screen, not only by touch, but by gesturing... something never seen before on a personal device... and should be protected by it's patent.

    • (to chossy's comment)CanHasQBN
    • ghey, Jeff Han & Surfaceâ„¢ both used mulitouch before the iphonealbums
    • multitouch? or specifically pinch & zoom?CanHasQBN
    • they may have had it, but couldn't sell itmonospaced
    • lol... it doesn't matter if you can sell something dumb-wit. It's prior art.monolith
    • then they should've patented it, right? They weren't as smart as Apple.CanHasQBN

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