
Out of context: Reply #103

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  • mg330

    Thank you CanHasQBN for articulating the things I find trouble saying.

    I'll probably say it dozens of times by November, but I simply cannot trust that a person as wealthy as Romney - a person who accumulated plenty of it by laying off American workers for the sake of corporate gain - has any idea what the average person's struggles are. The refusal to be open about his wealth, taxes, etc. bothers me. And I promise you I would say the same things about a Democratic candidate. I don't care about college records, transcripts, etc. from any of them. That's inconsequential. But where you acquired wealth and income, whether it was fair and legal, and what you possibly did to take advantage of the system even if it was totally legal - these are things that should be important to people who will never see even a fraction of that kind of money in their entire lives.

    I'm not saying all presidents should be an average Joe with little wealth and an everyman quality to them. I want to know that someone who wants to run our country has been successful in some capacity and that they've proven themselves. But I want them to be transparent about it. What would we do if we found out Romney actually didn't pay taxes for years and he became President? There's no proof, true, but I'm just theorizing here.

    • But you trust a man who is a trained liar and manipulator - an attorneywhhipp
    • Absolutely well-said mg33.nato
    • Whipp, I hope you're not serious. Not all attorneys are like that.mg33

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