Superman: Man of Steel

Out of context: Reply #6

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  • ETM0

    I don;t think Superman is a character we, as an audience, can identify with. Most superhero movies try to bring the hero into reality a bit by making them flawed and more human. All that's been done with Superman is have him pining for Lois and have green rocks weaken him. I don't think an alienation story of him being 'different' work either because you have little sympathy for a virtual God.

    If Bryan Singer failed so miserably, I don' think Snyder is going to pull it off.

    • disagree, I think people have been relating to him since the first day he was drawnmonospaced
    • classic hero storymonospaced
    • his weaknesses, his flaws, his nerdiness balanced with bravery, his love for a woman he can't be withmonospaced
    • The way people/kids relate to comic books today is vastly different.ETM
    • It's how humans have been relating, actually. Not just about children and generations. The hero story goes back to ancient timesmonospaced
    • The glossy, perfect 1-dimensional hero has been replaced with brooding, disturbed, vulnerable people.ETM
    • It's hard to take superman too far down that road in a convincing fashion, IMO only of course.ETM
    • the classic hero has been multi-dimensional since before Greek Mythologymonospaced
    • Not in comic books. Have you read Golden and Silver age books? Or watched the old serials?ETM
    • Singer tried to humanize him more and it failed. If it's all action, then it feels hollow.ETM
    • Batman being one of the few exceptions since inception in the 40s.ETM
    • I never implied all action. People relate to Superman because most of the time he's a regular guy.monospaced
    • Not only regular, but sub-par. He's a geek, his boss walks all over him and girls don't even look his way.monospaced
    • The fact that you call Kent a geek lends me to think your only reference is the original movies,ETM
    • Kent is almost a role, more as to even an alter ego. And is oft described as .mild mannered..ETM
    • And in current comics Kent is barely that anymore. Your comment has removed all credibility from your argument.ETM
    • haha, you win on comic nerdiness, congratulationsmonospaced
    • e-pill owns that badge. I don't know who has more knowledge about comics around here, than him.ETM

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