DSLR video focus

Out of context: Reply #9

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  • vaxorcist0

    the monopod method you mention above is somewhat usable at a predictable distance, using a smaller aperture like F11 and where you use hyperfocal distance to shoot with a wide lens, so say at F11, everything from 4 feet to infinity is in pretty good focus if you set focus at 9 feet say, then you can use the monopod method and pan around....

    Note that kids and pets tend to move directly towards whatever camera the parent is holding, quickly becoming closer than say 5 feet or whatever calculation you've figured out for your hyperfocal minimum sharp distance.....

    There's a reason Grouch Marx (I believe it was him) said something like "I never perform with kids or dogs.... to unpredictable"

    Also note that the D800 is MORE UNFORGIVING than say a D3100 at the same distance/field-of-view/aperture combination, as that beautiful out of focus background is a double edged sword that causes you to get razor-thin zone of sharp focus with a telephoto lens at a close distance and wide aperture, so say you're F2.8 at 7 feet with a 200mm lens on a D800, that's unforgiving if you're slightly out of focus, much more so than being F4.5 at 7 feet on a D3100 at 135mm.... which is easier to maintain some focus, but less glam beautiful out of focus backround....

    both combinations above have a similar field of view.. but a crop-frame consumer body/lens combination is more forgiving here, rather than a full-frame, pro-lens combination..... less forgiving of minor focus error....

    good luck!

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