Hottie Clients

Out of context: Reply #10

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    yeah I was with a clients daughter once, well I saw her for eight months, she was incharge of the project, so I got all the stuff I needed from her. So I'm like 98% done all I need is a couple of photo's of their prodeuct and bam I'm done.

    I think she thought I was going to leave her after I was done. So she kept coming up with excuses.

    Then we get in a fight at a my roomie's b-day party and she takes off, and I head out to the bar. meanwhile her brother and 10 guys with bats come to my house look'n for a fight.

    Needless to say I droped her, and in doing so they never payed me..grrrrr

    All I got was a dent kicked into my car

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