Client fucked it

Out of context: Reply #18

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  • freshmode0

    This...end of the day you speak of only sweetens the deal...


    White space isn't always intended to be the color white.…

    If the client wants hot pink, give them hot pink, but do it right.

    I have seen so many designers use tons of colors & pull it off in a decent manner. Take for example the link TF mentioned about the punk kittens in another thread.

    I think that has to be one of the ugliest websites ever. But I am sure lots of people think it is great & genius.

    It's up to the designer to make it happen. Good colors or not. Try having to work with Neon Green & purple. We had to add black to balance out a clients corporate colors. We modified their color palette & style guide to fit with all of their new stuff because it wasn't easy to do anything good with those 2 colors. After explaining to them that they picked ugly colors, they agreed on the change we made.

    Then again, this will always happen. Even if you educate your clients, they still might want something done their way and since it is their money and their company, there are times you can't do squat about it.

    When this happens, revive the old group hug thread & share some love.


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