Client fucked it

Out of context: Reply #17

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  • scnc0

    I dont know, Ithink that communication skills are just as important as being able to come up with a proffesioanl concept / design....cos if a person cant sell their concept to their 'client' then what is the point in having those design skills that they really want to use........i mean, if a person cant sell the concept of design verbally then they will hardly ever get to use those design skills except for in their bedroom!!!

    Sell it in the right way and after a meeting they will realise that they dont know whats best because youve explained to thems to them so they can understand.

    its all about 'maximizing their potential' at the end of the day, thats why they came to you...and if they just came to you for a 'website' then explain to them what it is that theyll actually be getting...cos man,at the end of the day , it is more than a website.

    it works for me that’s all I know heh

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