Microsoft Surface

Out of context: Reply #56

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  • Hombre_Lobo0

    I think it looks great. The windows phones are smooth as hell, and very responsive. This will be no different.

    Its also an interesting angle in have a take anywhere.device for everything. Its got a beastly i5 in the pro version. That means take work and work from it with an external.monitor, much like a laptop but more convenient.

    The Motorola atrix touch on it. Being to take a phone/tablet everywhere and use it to power your work machine (performance permitting), is a pant wetting prospect.

    And the i5 processor is sufficient enough for most design / developers. Provides it is run at a decent speed with enough ram.

    • Wow, my bus-phone-typing skills need some work.Hombre_Lobo
    • You need a microsoft surface with detachable keyboard, my good man.ian
    • haha ian!Hombre_Lobo

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