New APPLE logo?

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  • monospaced0

    Apple grew tired with their old logo. The overall shape wasn't resonating with customers anymore; potential buyers couldn't make the connection between the aging bitten-apple mark and the devices the company makes anymore. Looking to their past, Apple decided to resurrect the rainbow from their early computer days and build a new logo. What you're seeing here represents the different "flavors" that Apple provides in their experiences, from phones to computers to the television and media, and that is represented in the overlapping colored boxes. These boxes also represent the "Apps" that have now come to signify what Apple stands for.

    Direct quote from Tim, "This new logo, that we debuted to massive fanfare at WWDC this year, is an intermediary one. As we transition more and more into the world of a closed App store, you will see the logo evolve into a rounded rectangle, and our new identity will be complete. Don't worry, we're not getting rid of our modified Myriad though, that would be too drastic and we can't risk losing the equity we built through our typeface on our packaging. The Apple logo, on the other hand, was too old and spoke only to straight customers, so this move makes perfect sense for the company."

    • a rebrand is what companies do when they stop attracting new customers and can't sell productsmonospaced

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