A Better Tomorrow Book

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  • Horp0

    Personally, I'm not on QBN anywhere near enough to either qualify or want to be involved in it again, and frankly I found myself uninvolved in it the first time round after being at odds with the ambitious direction it took.

    I think though, personally, that trying to produce a hard back coffee table edition is way too ambitious. It would be better as a more casual item, which can carry a more casual purpose and be freer, looser in its content and approach.

    Really, who gives a fuck any more about QBN? I don't mean that in a bad way that much, but at the time of the book, we were all going to put our log-in names, and our length of time here, and our post counts, and pages of 'our latest posts' and shit like that... why? Who would give a fuck... who would give a fuck about it now even more so? QBN used to be more of an industry go-to place. Its not anymore. There isn't really a go-to place any more, the world has changed. Nobody is going to buy "the QBN book" because really very few people in the industry identify with this place now. It would be like buying the Myspace book.

    It sounds like I'm just being negative about QBN here, but I'm not, I'm saying the world has changed and QBN just doesn't carry that kind of gravity any more to the wider creative community, so there's no point in trying to create a self-important tome to represent the talent here.

    The talent here is a mixed bag in terms of quality, interests, and technique. Its a casual and informal place. Represent those things in a publication and you'd be golden.

    Magazine format would even be better than a pompous book format. That way the problems of publishing go away too. There's a hundred places you can go to get a magazine published.

    And you can sell advertising space in it to cover the costs.

    Adobe inside front and HTC on the back cover. Job paid for.

    • Pompous ego driven designers. No one cares about you or what you do. GFY.severian

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