Remove text flickering in Flash

Out of context: Reply #2

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  • 9 Responses
  • kalkal0

    Ok, it's been many years since I used flash but...

    I think you've scaled then tweened those text elements. You've then had the issue that they don't appear to stay in the same spot, so you've also moved them back to the original.

    This is because the... errr "origin point" is in the centre of the objects which you're trying to scale. On the text you wish to scale bigger from the bottom left, you need to change the "origin point" to be the bottom left
    Like this:
    (this is actually indesign because I don't have flash but this is what you're looking for! Though I could be wrong but it's what I'd try!)

    Doing that should force the object to scale in the opposite direction while staying stuck to the same point.

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