Japanese design

Out of context: Reply #44

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  • 45 Responses
  • Peter0

    Thank you all,


    I give up.

    Perhaps I wasn't to clear on this, even though I wrote it a bunch of times over and over again. Probably it's my lack of English ability, being a non-native speaker and all:
    All I wanted was an answer to "What makes Japanese design unique seen in the point of view from a person outside Japan? (you)"

    Not examples, not books on where "I could learn". Jesus christ. As posted in the first thread, I tried to make sure I was starting on soemthing for a thing I'm doing at work.

    the_user typed:
    "I don't think a damn thing other than some people find kanji exotic"

    ...which was exactl one of the answers I was looking for.
    Answers like "It's the little extra sparkle of service towards the reciever" or whateverelsereasonitmighthavebee... that I was looking for.

    Anyways, the job is wrapped up now. Asked some foreigners on the streets here instead.

    But thanks to those who contributed with something here.

    Moderator, it's safe to delete this thread now.

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