Designers residual income

Out of context: Reply #13

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  • 23kon0

    If you're putting something into an already saturated market then your stuff has to far outshine the rest or be lucky with hype to get a good income from something you've created.

    Raf is right, make something people will want, think of a product/idea/app you need or would like in your life that doesn't exist.

    You could spend months or years of your life developing the most complex iphone app only for it to not sell.
    Or you could spend a day being the first at making something unique and make millions from it.

    e.g Joel Comm's iFart App was banking $10,000 a day back in 2008! He made millions from it! A simple app that had a button that played a fart noise when you pressed it.

    Lots of copycat apps followed and even some of them managed to bag a lot of money out of it.

    I'd guess that by now though the market is well and truly saturated though.

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