Book Binding Question

Out of context: Reply #3

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  • melk0

    i used to have this fantasically crazy german teacher for 3d construction (real 3d not the computer kind).
    she basically would make any tool she thought would help in her in making books and such.
    what she used for that was just a needle but she'd made this sort of resting base - 2 angled pieces of wood in a box construction that didn't meet at the end but left a space of about 5 mm. you'd then stick your uncut cover and pages in there (the fold in the space between the pieces of wood) and then push a needle through. if you stitched it right you'd get the most perfectly square book sections!
    she also made us make these things called bench hooks - an a2 piece of wood with an inch thick, long piece of wood on alternate ends (ie if there was one piece along the left edge looking down there would be a piece on the underside on the right edge) you'd sit it on the end of your desk and if you used a set square and ruler you never cut anything badly! it was just so simple but so perfect!

    anyway i've most likely digressed from your original question

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