The Easy Life?

Out of context: Reply #23

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  • mantrakid0

    I was freelancing in the big city, decided it was too fast paced and needed to slow some shit down. Wife and I packed our bags, sold our condo and were moved into a house in a small town surrounded by ocean, forests and mountains. I figured I would slowly lose my big city clients due to them finding someone local who they could meet face to face, and that i'd have to scrounge up work in this new locale, but the big city (re: big money) clients kept with me, and its been 3 years now living in this gorgeous place, doing basically the exact same work I was doing in the big city, minus all the commutes, the waste of time meetings and the headaches.

    Morale of the Story: What the fuck do I know? Just do itâ„¢.

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