best cities 2012

Out of context: Reply #23

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  • CanHasQBN0

    After I watched the above video, I turned on the TV and was unfortunately brought back to how repugnant most of America is. Every other commercial is a lose-weight ad (ever notice this?), and it seems like everyone is still a fat lard sitting in a boring tract house, in a boring suburban neighborhood, occupying themselves with the dumbest shit... unaware and uncurious about the rest of the world. It's sad how most of this country turned out to be one big clusterfucked dystopia. We walk outside of our houses and won't see a single person walk by. Stripmalls and parking lots are king. Isolation is rampant. Exceptions like NY & SF exist, but most of our cities are unremarkable in every way.

    Now there's this TV show on and some woman is doing some ridiculous-looking exercise. Jumping about like an idiot. Pathetic. While the rest of Europe can stay reasonably fit just by walking around during their day. Do you Europeans laugh at us Americans?

    I don't mean to be so negative, but the USA just doesn't do it for me. I feel lost and suffocated here... gasping for life, authentic culture, the clinking of silverware in an outdoor cafe, spontaneity, anything. Does being a designer make one crave stimulation more than a non-designer??

    I just flipped the channel and now some other idiot is explaining another new exercise. Embarrassing. I wanna smack this country upside it's head.

    • i feel the same.Milan
    • turn off your fucking tv and get outside.arthur
    • No, I'm not even a big tv-watcher. Quite the opposite. Very active athletically.CanHasQBN
    • But as far as literally, turning it off, and stepping outside... there is nothing out there. The average American municipalityCanHasQBN
    • does not offer much. There are no people walking around. Just cars cars cars.CanHasQBN

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