Flash comeback?

Out of context: Reply #40

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  • fyoucher10

    Steve Jobs started the death of Flash and I think Adobe was passive about it and now is allowing it to transform it's purpose for some other niche (for good reasons) and letting the browser makers, the W3C, and web dev's help grow other web-based technologies to replace the plugin. I'm a Flash guy and at first I was like WTFFFFF but now I think it's a good thing. I think Adobe is also looking out for it's Flash folks by creating apps that will make it an easier transition from Flash to HTML. I started teaching myself JavaScript and if you code ActionScript, you'll find it really familiar.

    People say it can't do what Flash can do but I believe it will soon. Flash was crap when it first came out compared to now if you've worked with it that long. I think HTML will make that evolution faster than Flash did simply because there's more of a need for it now, people are aware of the situation, and people use the internet more than they did back in 1998 - 2004. You see Adobe and other folks coming up with ways to make similar Flash effects in HTML5 (i.e. blend modes are coming, filter effects, etc etc)...and people are moving fast to make these transitions. About 6 months ago people said it'll take until 2022 for HTML5 to transition over but I think it will happen MUCH sooner than that, I'd say 5 or 6 years. And in 5 or 6 years, I'd bet that there will be a ton of features in HTML and a lot of fixes to the current issues that you might see happening. I also think browser makers will make updating the browser easier and possibly even automatic so we won't have to worry about "is it compatible with this browser". I'd bet there's some kind of script in the making that even takes care of all of that automatically.


    Just like Flash had its problems while it was evolving, I'm sure HTML5 will go through similar issues. "These Flash ads are slowing my webpage down"... get ready for our webpage down now. Flash Intros!!! Alright, maybe not HTML5 intro's.

    I'm sure when new features come out, designers and developers will be pushing the technology beyond the limit of what current hardware can handle...and people will be complaining the same way they do about Flash now. In the future, we'll have 'click-to-HTML5" and it'll just default back to HTML4 or even CSS1....

    • Flash was already dead only Jobs noticed it before others did.raf
    • goddamit. Missing words, I sound retarded.fyoucher1
    • No, it's cool I largely agree, mate.mikotondria3

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