Choosing Business Name

Out of context: Reply #17

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  • mikotondria30

    Yeh, all the above toing and froing aside, the several hours that you've spent thinking about this and debating it on here could really have been better spent thinking up something else, that's original. Not to be a dick - just playing devil's advocate here, and putting myself in the position of your boss (irrelevent, as it's your company), or a money-paying client - do you spend this long justifying doing work that's very similar to other people's also, or do you know when to quit and restart a project ? It's supposed to be the most valuable and long-learned skill in any creative field - editing, murdering your darlings - having the ability to spot when to just stop and go in another direction. No time spent on a creative endevour ever really goes to waste - you're not throwing out the statue of David or a meal for 300 - my advice ? Forget this other name, write down 10 more NOW - immediately. Just do it. Don't over-think it. Pump them out and cross them off. Do it again. If you need to.
    When you write down your name and see it - you'll know. Cherish this feeling - it's sweet, like *just* getting the hang of stilts or that first time you catch the third ball and throw the first one again juggling.
    Tell us what it is, and we'll all go 'ooh...yeh, very good.', because it'll be great, because it will be.

    • Good advice. Thank you. Yes, I know how to murder my babies. I had that epiphany feeling about this one, BUTe-wo
    • I'm a big believer in the Idea only revealing itself after the death of the idea.e-wo
    • Cool, I wasn't trying to teach you to suck eggs, you sound like you've been round the block :)
      Good luck with all this, sir.

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