Hasselblad Ferrari Edition

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  • vaxorcist0

    I've shot with 3 different Hasselblads of recent (AF/Digital) vintage...

    Each one has an AF system that's straight out of a Nikon F4... yes, 20 year old 35mm nikon has about the same AF as this $$$ beast...

    Only 1 AF point, so the focus-recompose dance to get the subject's eyes in the top third of the frame results in missing the shot, or focussing on the middle of the chest instead of their face/eyes... yes, 'Blad's HD40 and newer have a weird accelerometer hi-tech system to supposedly account for the inevitable tilt, but not for the delay when you can lose the momentary facial expression...

    ...and the 'Blad has a plastic body that reminds me of a Canon Rebel.... so unlike those lovely old 500C/M metal manual everything blads they made their name on...

    and, I dearly wish 'Blad would fix the firewire port, damn wire pops out randomly on a tethered shoot....

    but... with the Nikon D800 offering mucho-megapixels, many of us will drop the 'blad rental and just get a D800.... some people will still want the blad for the "exclusivity" thing, but really....

    I wish so much they just fixed the AF.... add at least 2 more focussing points... and the build quality of those old ones like....

    • cool story brosherm
    • what's wrong with focus on the chest?Amicus
    • The focusing issue is just a matter of technique and knowing how your system behaves..Stian

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