Blah Blah design blahblah

Out of context: Reply #24

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  • ian000

    @2002. You make two interesting points. First, I agree that design can never be fully deterministic (a red color field will make the viewer angry). Yet, it is neither completely relative. For instance, take the MTV magazine cover posted earlier. I suspect that we could probably reach some kind of consensus as to what it produces. Surely it is not a sleek, minimalist design evoking a simplified lifestyle. We might even agree that it captures a Carson-esque counter-culture, DIY aesthetic. It seems to me that we operate in a kind of bracketed determinism – never fully controlling, but cajoling, seducing, and suggesting. We can have intelligent conversation about form without absolutes.

    Second, I completely agree that “pursuit of good design should drive designers.” How do you evaluate that absent being grabbed by the balls? I think we need engage criticism with as much passion as we do form and technique . We should be able to talk about what we produce as solving problems and as contributing to a larger discipline.

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