Workplace fisticuffs?

Out of context: Reply #14

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  • elahon0

    I was working as a dishwasher when I was like 14, and one Sunday morning, one of the sinks had backed up all over the place, so we called around, couldn't get any managers, etc. and were forced to call in the owner, who had been sick with the caustic shits for like a week. Well, he's under the dishwashing unit for like 20 minutes clanging around with a good sized monkey wrench, swearing up a storm getting madder and madder, all covered in gray water and dishwasher sludge. I am standing against a back rack putting away some pans, and he shoots up to his feet and sort of roars, and I turn around just in time to duck as he hurls the fucking wrench at my head. It sails past and crashes into the stack of pots and pans I had been stacking, made a hell of a noise, shit everywhere, and he just walks out. 30 minutes later a plumber comes in and fixes it up. He never mentioned a word of it to me afterwards.

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