
Out of context: Reply #17785

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  • locustsloth0

    So you say that the welfare program creates a dependency on the party that is in favor of it. First of all, what policy that involves one group of people DOESN'T create a dependency on the advocates of teh policy. Corporations, for the most part, support Republicans because if the R's were voted out, policies COULD change that would cause the corps to lose money.
    So, ignoring that, what should be the course of action? Personally i'd agree with providing opportunities for those on welfare to work for the government. Maybe that means a slightly lower pay rate than a worker not on welfare would get? Which, in theory would save money that would otherwise go to fully paid workers and also give them incentive to get off welfare to seek a higher paying job, since thy are putting in hours anyway.
    i don't personally know anyone receiving government assistance who is proud to admit it or is gaming the system or wouldn't rather be in a position where they didn't need it. So while the notion of families living it up on welfare is absolutely true in some cases, it's a disservice to paint all recipients with that same brush, as often happens in discussions about govt benefit programs

    • I agree and the Milton video above has the same message.whhipp

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