iPad / iPhone colour
iPad / iPhone colour
Out of context: Reply #9
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I get how it works.
Yes, I could export one RGB PDF for the client and a CMYK version for the printer, but am hoping to not have to manage 2 versions of every ad that goes for review.
I have sent CMYK pdfs to clients to proof content before going to print hundreds of times and have never noticed a colour shift this extreme on any other monitors or with any other colour.
- Why 2 versions, surely the printer only gets the final artwork, or are they checking content as well?MrT
- We often do quick turn around ad variants that get sent from an account manager to the client for approval before going to the printer.nosaj
- off to the printer. If the Account Manager, client and printer can all work with one file it makes the workflow easier.nosaj
- I get it, but this is how it works; this is how it's done in the industry.monospaced