Interviewing: in house vs agency

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  • fourth0

    You need to look at this as more of a "regular" job interview instead of a design job type interview. If that makes any sense. So be prepared to sell yourself to an HR representative (they will ask you typical filter-out-the-idiots job interview questions), the head of marketing (try to not step on his/her toes even though they know nothing about design but will ultimately be your boss), the social media person (apparently this new position puts these people above designers on the totem pole), and even surprised designers who have no idea they were hiring help and really don't want to waste any time talking to you (I had an interview with a fortune 500 co. that threw me in a room with their in house designers who pretty much stared at me, I asked them a ton of questions, they kind of just sat there and I excused myself).

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