Web Hosting...

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  • vaxorcist0

    lots of what, but here' s my What & WHY:

    1. MediaTemple - for some clients who need a big name, and./or already have Media Temple.... in my experience, the DV accounts are much better than the grid accounts.

    2. WebFaction - for my own work, test server setups, most simpler client work.... for Django, PHP, wordpress,etc... very developer-friendly, able to host multiple domains and sub-domains on one account,... to my mind, the best cheap "shared" host where SOMEBODY ELSE does the system admin

    3. Linode - you do your own system admin, but great and scalable... we used them for a few projects in the past, and you get more RAM for django rails,etc

    4. RackSpace - for when you have a big budget client who wants all sorts of confidence and able to phone call the host... they charge $$ but they are there.... I believe slicehost is their "no frills" version for virtual hosting....

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