CMYK -> Pantone?

Out of context: Reply #22

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  • bjladams0

    i worked as a printing apprentice for a number of years after college, learning the ropes from an old guy that probably had trained gutenberg - he had his own color chart that he'd put together over the years that was a reverse cmyk to pantone book. crazy, but dead-accurate.

    he could probably make a small fortune if he had the time to manufacture them.

    • too many variables... probably great on that machine, but wouldn't be accurate for another machine/setup.Amicus
    • problem is that process only covers a small range of pantone, so amazing as it is, it only goes so farmonospaced
    • ha! no, i think this is being misunderstood. he's made physical breakdowns from pigment and matched them to pms colorsbjladams
    • pms colors. it's awesome. and fills up an entire briefcase.bjladams

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