iPad 3

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  • 23kon0

    I got an iPad1 when the 2 came out.
    I really love the thing. Handy for instant internet and better than using the iphone.

    What I got it for though was a tool for music production (ableton controller apps and various instrument apps) and DJ apps.
    Apps like the Moog synth give you a synth for a few pounds that would cost you thousands if it was hardware.
    Ableton controller apps like Griid/Lemur/Touchable are amazing.
    And I even DJ'd a music festival earlier this year with my ipad and a kaoss pad.

    There's been a lot new hardware releases recently that take an ipad as a plugin including these

    Behringer Mixer range

    And Akai are about (in 5 hours) to announce the MPC Fly - just one of their new range of MPC style controllers + Software.

    I, for one, am looking forward to seeing what the iPad3 brings to the table.

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