I f*cked up. Help and advice?

Out of context: Reply #35

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  • moldero0

    the only difference between you and the ones giving you a hard time is they havent gotten caught yet.

    I hope you FRY!

    i havent gotten caught yet either (in the states)i think most of us here have driven with atleast a light buzz just to get home. i drove drunk once like 20 years ago when i was young, it was on a scooter rental in cancun and it was like 3:am on an empty road, i was drivng like a fool doing jumps off of curbs and crap. i did get busted but it only costed me like 20 bucks.

    • had a friend pay a cop here $4 to get off on a dui, sucks because there are soo many dui deaths in mxmoldero
    • <CALLES
    • That's why there's a limit, obviously. A little buzz doesn't count.Jaline

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