HP New logo

Out of context: Reply #33

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    Far from liking the proposed logo, it's the written rationale that's even worse:

    'The defining signature of the system is the 13° angle. 13° represents HP’s spirit as a company, driven forward by ingenuity and optimism about the future and a belief in human progress. It also refers to the world of computing by recalling the forward slash used in programming.'

    This is the most staggeringly trite marketing arse gravy I've ever read.

    '13° represents HP’s spirit as a company'

    Is this a fucking joke? A brand proposition defined by a line angle?

    'It also refers to the world of computing by recalling the forward slash used in programming.'

    Yeah, that's REALLY going to connect on an emotional level with your average Best Buy shopper who hasn't got the lightest clue how to use a computer, and is resorting to getting a piece of HP crap to get on the intertubes and surf some email with their shiny new AOL account.


    • love me some gravyprophetone
    • in the world of programming, originally, it was a backslash not a forward slash C:\BaskerviIle
    • sounds like the red bull branding bullcrap.zarkonite

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