Out of context: Reply #31

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  • infields0

    Hey Beeswax. Thanks for the feedback mate.
    I completely agree with your comments.
    I stated this on another forum but again - Im well aware that drawing a connection between the more secular movement for political change, thats come to be known as the Arab spring, with the imagery and symbolism of Islam is problematic. It implies that Arabic culture and Islam are the same thing, which they clearly are not.

    That said , i find when I, talk about these kind of topics, it gets very rational and very particular about details/truth. With this video piece, i didn't want to be so didactic. I didn't want to construct a coherent argument. I wanted to reflect as much on how the reality is perceived as much as the actual reality. That meant taking in to account how these stories are put into context, be it on Fox news or in the Guardian.
    As an example, after the events of Tahrir Square, One of the first things, Hilary Clinton had to say about a potential Democratic Egypt was about the protection of Israel an US interests. It wasn't about what a wonderful thing it is, that a people united, overthrew a repressive government. The fear of Islamic influence in national affairs is so great, it trumps any allusions to supporting a theoretical democracy. From my point of view thats as much of the story as the reality on the streets in the middle east. I'm an outsider in both respects.

    Anyway, I'm procrastinating way too much. The main point i wanted to get across was that its one very particular viewpoint. An abstract incoherent one at that , that isn't trying to clarify any truth or make a stand. Just a guttural sub conscious response to the events.

    • Your work inspires me to do something reflecting another viewpoint, which would be didactic by it's nature.Beeswax

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