Website feedback required

Out of context: Reply #7

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  • 19 Responses
  • mikotondria30

    Same here re the text. Bump up all your text-sizes by 50%. The top identity bar, for want of a better term - the horizontal section at the top containing the logo is having trouble relating to the next section - the nav. Give it, or the nav, a different color background - the double-edged line is causing confusion. Space it out, take it too far even, then dial it back in. Couple of textures and maybe a small shadow to seperate the main central content up and over the background will draw the eye to it. The focus is the video - is there anyway you can have a screenshot from it where the current black hole is ? Maybe have the play arrow over it, and just fire some js that hides that and shows the video in place and starts it playing, or use a video player that will accept an initial image parameter...the name of one I used escapes me and I can't even recall the site I used it on, sorry : |
    Just to reinforce your brand, also, you might try subtly using one of the green tones in the design somewhere, just a touch here or there, or a something in the background.
    It shouldn't take you long to tune this up; like I always say to clients - it's the last 5% of time that sees the last 50% improvement in how something comes together - the hard work doesn't shine through til you polish it. Obsess about the tiny details of margins and color and pixel perfect placement and it all resonates and becomes more than the sum of its parts. Also know when to stop :)

    • " last 5% of time that sees the last 50%" - sounds like bad planning to mefadein11
    • Sounds like you're trying to be cynical, fadein11. You should stop - you're not very good at it.detritus

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