Documenting design work

Out of context: Reply #1

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  • vaxorcist0

    I think about the eventual layout.... i.e. web page with white background? black background? grey background? printed book? square or horizontal or vertical?

    I use this to determine if I'm shooting on white or black, if diffused shadows are allowed, if no shadows, if sharp shadows, etc....

    I shoot a few tests, do my layout, see how it all fits together, then reshoot....

    I use a lot of bounce flash for informal shoots + color checker card from xRite.

    If more formal, with time, and/or for 3D objects... especially shiny ones..., I have a studio setup with lots of softboxes and diffusion panels. If I'm shooting glass bottles, I use large diffusion panels very close to them, with softboxes behind them so the highlight is smoother edged.....

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